CLAY Preschool aims to provide holistic development to
children through Discovery based Learning approach. It believes that Curriculum
is the backbone of every educational institution. Stepping Stones Preschool at
Dhariwal is now in Academic collaboration with CLAY. Stepping Stones has been
given all academic and curriculum support from CLAY. School assures the overall
development of children by 100% implementation of Discovery based Learning paradigms
in its classrooms. Children learn by doing, through Play based Activities.
Children learn through their own experiences and curiosities. School assures
comfort, safety and required infrastructure facilities to children. Every space
of the School is the Learning Space full of colours most dear to children.
Stepping Stones Preschool is a child friendly, safe
and colourful home away from home for children. Teachers are full of Love and
care for children and are trained in child care. The Director of the School
works with the vision of making Stepping Stones No. 1 choice for the Parents of
Dhariwal city.
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